Wednesday 20 October 2010


"SIGFC 1" by Rick L. Ross
"Sebastian's Immortal Game - The Final Cut" photo set I

"Sebastian's Immortal Game" by Rick L. Ross
"Sebastian's Immortal Game" photo set II

"Mood Shot" by Rick L. Ross
"Sebastian's Immortal Game" photo set II

Mind = blown. Wow!?! "Sebastian's Immortal Game" by Rick L. Ross is "an interpretive concept of J.F. Sebastian's chess table and bird chess set" from the movie Blade Runner. On his site he goes on to says:

"The featured item of this site, "Sebastian's Immortal Game", is an original, one-off, item that was inspired by one of the most visually stunning and wonderfully textured films of all time - Blade Runner.  The table and the chess set are my interpretive concepts.  I wanted to give more gravity to the table by fleshing out its architecture such that it fits into the design of the film."

Read more about it here and be sure to browse through the many Flickr photos. Brilliant. Inspirational!

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